The CTO-TOS-TOPP REACH consortium was established on the 25th of February in 2009 for the purpose of registration of the following three substances.

  • Crude tall oil (CTO), EINECS 931-433-1, CAS 8002-26-4
  • Tall oil soap (TOS), EINECS 266-037-1, CAS 65997-01-5
  • Turpentine oil from pulping processes (TOPP), EINECS 232-350-7, CAS 8006-64-2

CTO is a split from the pre-SIEF “tall oil” due to REACH substance definition rules for UVCB substances. TOPP is a split from the pre-SIEF “turpentine oil” of the same reasons.

The consortium has 57 members (2020). A member is a legal entity with the obligation according to REACH (1907/2006/EC) to register one or more of the substances.
Legal entities, not being consortium members, can purchase a Letter of Access for the purpose to make a REACH registration.

Kraft lignin cooperation

A separate cooperation regarding the classification of kraft lignin according to CLP has started. Kraft lignin means extracted lignin from black liquor, obtained through precipitation by lowering pH in multiple steps. For more information click here for a presentation on the cooperation.

If you are interested to join the cooperation, please contact the Secretariat of the consortium for kraft lignin

Linnéa LÖVGREN at linnea.lovgren@afry.com

Ulrika PERSSON at ulrika.persson@afry.com